Paññāsāstra International School strongly believes homework is a great opportunity for parents to support and become that involved, as well as being a part of their child’s educational success. Homework is assigned on a regular basis to help student become self-reliant, work independently, enforce memorization or as master concepts, reinforce class work, practice skills by way of repetition, and complete assigned projects. Paññāsāstra International School expects that all assigned works be returned the next school day, unless otherwise advised by the teacher(s).


– Our teachers are well trained, certified and up to the challenge.

– Our educators bring to the campus an outstanding depth of credentials.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parents are always welcomed to contact the school at any time. Our teachers will be glad to arrange a conference with you at a mutually convenient time. Students will not attend school on this day, thus providing the opportunity for parents to discuss their child’s academic progress, work habits, and behaviors. A telephone call to the child’s counselor or teacher can set up such a meeting.


The school counselor is available to assist student in resolving any academic and/or personal problems that might arise. Paññāsāstra International School also offers the opportunity for students to meet in groups to discuss challenging, good decision making, and social skills.